Ver,comer y saber: Tecnología de los alimentos, bioquímica,microbiología y gastrotips
martes, 7 de febrero de 2017
@Regrann from @silibraries - Check out this advertisement for DePrice’s Vanilla extracted (pun intended) from the book "Delicious Desserts and Candies," published in #Chicago in 1923. The label – illustrated with a “Tropikid” – states: “Flavoring ice cream, cakes, puddings, custards, sauces, gelatin dishes, candies, jellies, syrups and other food products.” This book was a gift to the Smithsonian Libraries from the Culinary Historians of Washington, D.C. #vanilla #baking #icecream #cake #candy #jelly #syrup #food #culinary #history #library #advertisement@pochove - #regrann
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