Ver,comer y saber: Tecnología de los alimentos, bioquímica,microbiología y gastrotips
sábado, 16 de marzo de 2019
Repost @slowfood_international by @media.repost: If you live on earth (which, you know... you do) you have pollinators to thank for that. The work that bees and other pollinating insects do underpins terrestrial life. But despite the work that they do, and their importance to our food and living systems, they are dying out in huge numbers, and it's because of us. There is still time to act and turn things around, but we are slipping closer and closer to collapse. - - - #slowfood #slow #food #biodiversity #environment #local #sustainability #foodforchange #terramadre #eatlocal #climatechange #future #sustainable #savethebees #bees #futureoffood #presidium #fao #un #agriculture #agroecology #permaculture #pollinators
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