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viernes, 30 de junio de 2017
jueves, 29 de junio de 2017
miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017
martes, 27 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @ajipixel - Fotografiamos estos panes káiser roll... y los degustamos. Káiser rolls preparados por @pochove Ají Píxel Imagen Gastronómica #fotografiagastronomica #gastronomia #gastronomiavenezolana #kaiserrolls #gastronomy #foodphotography #cocina #artisanbread #panartesanal #realbread #restaurant #foodporn #foodphoto #instafood #cheflife #foodie #foodpic #ajipixel #imagengastronomica #sanfelipe #barquisimeto - #regrann
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Feliz #DiadelPeriodista Cuando los periodistas están bien formados, entonces están entrenados para asumir que el lenguaje es neutral. No entienden de marcos ideológicos. Y cuando escuchan el lenguaje político, no se sienten manipulados porque no entran en ese juego - Lakoff
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lunes, 26 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @lacocinadecarlaymafer - FOCACCIA 😍🎉 #SINGLUTEN #SINHARINASREFINADAS #SINCASEINA #SINLACTOSA ¡Lo logramos al fin! con ingredientes nacionales y una miga espectacular, suave y esponjosa. Buscando que nos quede igualita a las de @pancasero y @pochove ✌😎 Un exito de los talleres. Apta para #celiacos #alergicos y dietas especiales #LaCocinadeCarlayMafer llena de amor por Venezuela 🇻🇪 _____________________________________ INGREDIENTES: 300 g de mix #singluten (Lee al final) 40 g de harina de legumbres (usamos @corpussanus) 5 g de Sal 1 cdita, de goma xantica o guar @outgluten 1 cdita, de polvo de hornear @outgluten 10 g de levadura #singluten 1 cda, de miel 50 ml (usamos de oliva) 1 huevo 250 ml de agua tibia Tomates confitados Romero Olivas negras y verdes Sal gruesa __________________________________ PREPARACIÓN: 1⃣ Activa la levadura con el agua tibia y la miel. En un bol agregar los ingredientes secos, luego el aceite y realiza un arenado. 2⃣ Agrega todos los líquidos, incluyendo la levadura activada, evitando formar grumos en la masa. Mezcla muy bien. Vierte la mezcla en un molde tipo pyrex engrasado. 3⃣ Deja levar 15 min y añade los tomates, las olivas y el romero, dejar levar otros 15 minutos más. Agrega los granos de sal y un chin de aceite de oliva. Hornea en horno precalentado a 180° C por 20 o 30 min. Una vez lista dejar enfriar en rejilla. __________________________________ 👀 RECOMENDACIONES Y TIPS: Usamos el mix todo uso de @outgluten pero puede sustituirse por cualquier otro mix. Incluso casero.#singluten #glutenfree #healthy #Foodlovers #fitfood # - #regrann
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domingo, 25 de junio de 2017
Buenas tardes, necesito el engranaje helic mayor para la #Am25 de #gpaniz
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sábado, 24 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @sc_historical_society - Looking for a good eggnog recipe to use this holiday season? Dr. Seaman Deas has you covered with his circa 1850 recipe for brandy-infused eggnog (though, as he notes, peach brandy is his choice): To one gallon of milk take three dozen eggs, break the yolks in a pan and the whites on a large dish, the yolks to be beaten well with as much sugar as judged sufficient,* when light pour in slowly four tumblers of brandy (stirring fast meanwhile). Add the milk slowly, and grate a nutmeg in. Beat the whites to a stiff froth and put on top. A tablespoonful of peach brandy is an improvement. *about one teaspoonful of [powdered] sugar to each egg #eggnog #holidaydrinks #historicrecipes - #regrann
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viernes, 23 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @fabledfood - Went to the red Cross book sale and got this amazing selection. Aunt Daisy was New Zealand's first food celebrity, and this 1982 edition should give some insight into kiwi #kai. Robert Courtine's 'Hundred Glories of #French Cooking' has charming histories of each of the dishes. 'Home Winemakers Recipes' because #booze... And I finally own a #mrsbeeton! From the 20s, this hefty book promises hours of fun. And a reproduction of the 1887 #whitehouse cookbook. #reading #books #toomuchfun #nerd #food #recipes #foodhistory #america #france #newzealand #england - #regrann
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jueves, 22 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @comocaidodelcielobrowniseria - Ve a merendar nuestra deliciosas Tortas de zanahoria #carrotcake en y nuestra Choco-Hershey's @bistrobakery @pochove acompañado de un delicioso cafe ☕🍰 execelente ATENCION!!! #choco-hersheys #golfeados #pandeguayaba #trenzasazucaradas #pandepizza #pandequeso #cupcakes #brownies - #regrann
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miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @ldnmetarchives - Lots of recipes in the #archives if you fancy discovering a few old #bakes, like this 17th century one for 'Curious Short Sugar Cakes' by Ms Crofts ... all you need is #almonds, wheat flour, eggs, rosewater, #sugar, butter and some #nutmeg #londonmetropolitanarchives #baking #cooking #volumes #documents #historyofbaking #cakesofinstagram #fridayfun #foodhistory #dustybooks - #regrann
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@Regrann from @bistrobakery - Listos para hornear... En @bistrobakery te esperamos después de las 2.30pm - #regrann
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martes, 20 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @thecuratedfeast - “I am barley, I am not destroyed.” -Osiris . A staple food is one that is eaten every day. But staples are far from boring. 🤔 The story of the advent of agriculture, according to the ancient Egyptian tale of Osiris and Isis, was that Isis found barley growing wild and Osiris then introduced it to the Egyptian people. Because of this, the story goes, they abandoned cannibalism and led a more civilized life, per this food from the gods. 🌾🤝🍽 . In a global sense, the advent of agriculture can be traced to between 10,000 and 7,000 BC in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, and North America. In all of these cases, it was a grain that was first domesticated. And, in all cases, that grain changed the rituals, civic life, and relationship to the natural world for that culture. That's the power of food! . 📷 @sannalinn 🙌🏼🌟 . #wheat #instafood #wholefoods #foodie #delicious #eating #f52 #foodforfoodies #f52grams #food #feedfeed #marthafood #foodblogger #historical #foodgawker #yahoofood #huffposttaste #foodandwine#thekitchn #buzzfeedfood #eeeeeats #buzzfeast #foodstagram #feast #foodmac #thefeedfeed - #regrann
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lunes, 19 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @amhistorymuseum - This is a bread maker from around 1906. We aren't sure what you do on the weekends, but one of our favorite hobbies is trying out old recipes. 🥖🍞🥐 We tried out "Entire Wheat Bread" from the 1911 edition of the 1896 Fannie Farmer's "Boston Cooking-School Cookbook," one of the best-selling cookbooks of all time because it was "reliable, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow." But even with that ringing endorsement, it wasn't easy! ✨ Image 2: Our ingredients, milk, stone-ground (whole wheat) flour, yeast dissolved in water, sugar, and salt. 🥛🥄 Image 3: Mmmmm our loaf! 🏆 Image 4: A young woman removes a loaf of bread from her oven, around 1909. Before temperature dials became standard in the 1920s, bakers used experience to judge temperature. Courtesy of Library of Congress. 🔥 Check out our attempt on the blog: (link in profile). 🍞☕️ #FoodHistory #SmithsonianFood #Bread #Carbs #FannieFarmer #RetroRecipe #BreadRecipe #Baking #GreatBritishBakeoff #GreatAmericanBakeoff #TechnicalChallenge - #regrann
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@Regrann from @kromimarket - ¡Así consentimos a #papá en #KromiSanFelipe! ⏩ Café, deliciosos pancitos dulces elaborados por @pochove en @bistrobakery, partidas de dominó y fútbol, obsequios y todo el cariño del mundo 💗 Porque #PapáQueSeRespeta: ¡Vive la experiencia #KromiMarket! ¡Gracias por acompañarnos! 😍 . Agradecimiento especial: @polarcerveceria. @ronsantateresa @rondiplomatico. @roncacique_venezuela. @turegional_light @regionalpilsen @bigcolaven @productosclic @plumrosevzla @lamontserratina. - #regrann
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domingo, 18 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @julesblackbird - For those uninitiated, I collect cookbooks. By that I don't mean there's a shelf of shiny hardbacks from celebrity chefs in the kitchen, but somewhere in the region of 8,000 specimens spanning over 150 years of recipes from around the world. The collection is a library in itself and yes, from a Scottish manuscript from between the wars to an Ethiopian vegan collection published last year, they're used for cooking. #cookbook #vintagecookbook #recipes #foodhistory - #regrann
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@Regrann from @fisherlibrary - "One may eat all this sort of candy one wishes without depriving our Soldier or Allies of sugar" Mary Elizabeth Evans has confectionery shops in New York and Boston, and during wartime she created and promoted recipes that used fruits and other sweeteners to conserve sugar. In 1918 she compiled them into a book called Mary Elizabeth's War Time Recipes. This recipe for maple sugar caramels also includes most of a recipe by "Lillian" for puff paste laid in. Mary Elizabeth's War Time Recipes. Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild & Stewart [1918]. #recipesconf #foodiefriday #culinaryhistory - #regrann
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Feliz #DiadelPadre agradecido con Dios por tener un excelente padre y amorosas hijas, que más se puede pedir?? Felicidades a todos los padres
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sábado, 17 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @ajipixel - Crujiente y suave, así es el pan de masa madre que elabora @pochove en @bistrobakery Ají Píxel Imagen Gastronómica #fotografiagastronomica #gastronomia #gastronomy #foodphotography #cocina #artisanbread #panartesanal #realbread #masamadre #restaurant #foodporn #foodphoto #instafood #cheflife #foodie #foodpic #ajipixel #imagengastronomica #sanfelipe #barquisimeto - #regrann
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En @kromimarket #SanFelipe #DiadelPadre @rutagastronomicayaracuy @bistrobakery
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viernes, 16 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @bistrobakery - @Regrann from @kromimarket - #PapaQueSeRespeta: ¡Cocina en Vivo! 🍳🔥 ⏩Mañana en #KromiSanFelipe nos acompaña @pochove, @bistrobakery y los muchachos de la escuela de Turismo especialidad #Gastronomia de la Universidad Nacional Experimental de Yaracuy: ¡Totalmente en vivo! ⏩ De 10am a 12m - ¡No te lo pierdas! - #regrann - #regrann
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jueves, 15 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @twmuseum - For #NationalBiscuitDay we take a look at Romary’s – world famous producer of biscuits based in Tunbridge Wells from 1862-1957. Alfred Romary set up the business in 1862 at 26 Church Road as a “Water cake maker”. He introduced the “Tunbridge Wells Wafer” which was described as the perfect accompaniment to a morning glass of wine. Its popularity spread quickly through London where the biscuits were supplied to Fortnum & Mason and Harrods. When Queen Victoria stayed in Tunbridge Wells in 1872 she sent for some of the famous wafers and continued to be a regular customer. In 1884 Romary's was granted the Warrant of Appointment to Her Majesty. The biscuits were even sent to Macy's of New York, and English travellers abroad were often surprised to see Romary biscuits in shop windows in Belgium, Paris, Jerusalem, and the Dominions! In 1935 Romary’s was bought by Rowntree's who moved the manufacture of “Tunbridge Wells Biscuits” to Glasgow in 1957. - #regrann
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#brownie corazón de galleta de @catarsis.byandreiturriza en @bistrobakery
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miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017
"No todo el mundo puede dejar miga de pan en su mesa, que nadie pase por esto".-F.Vargas Foto @ajipixel @emilianosbg
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martes, 13 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @elcapipanadeiro - #manosdepanaderas #manosdepanaderos #lesmainsboulangères Las manos de @mundotomategourmet en proceso de formación como Panadera acompañando a las mías @pochove @carlos_mas_canos @goncalceci @eaoropeza @horaciocarras @pastran70 @delicias.culinarias @elcapipanadeiro @elcapipanadeiro @elcapipanadeiro @elcapipanadeiro @elcapipanadeiro #pastry #sandwich #pornfood #hamburger #venezuela #venezueladice #venezuelalucha #hotdogs #motivacion #hokkaido #pan #baker #danish #doughnuts #pastrychef #f52grams - #regrann
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Trabaja duro para obtener lo deseado y luego trabaja más duro para mejorarlo continuamente... Feliz día. Foto @ajipixel
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lunes, 12 de junio de 2017
@Regrann from @alballard - One of the items from the housework exhibit; Mrs. D. W. Crockett's cookie recipe book. I wish it was dated but I'm guessing 1920s. I'm definitely going to try a few of these out. #antique #museum #recipebook #recipe #cookierecipe #cookies #bibliophile #antiquebook #cookbook #history #ukiah #willits #mendocinocounty #mendocinocountymuseum #california #northerncalifornia #foodhistory #californiahistory #foodporn #foodie - #regrann
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domingo, 11 de junio de 2017
#ManosdePanaderos #LESMAINSBOULANGÈRES invito a los colegas a subir imágenes de sus manos y sus panes, feliz domingo... Foto @ajipixel
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@Regrann from @chemheritage - Coffee, and by extension chemistry, helpeth the brain and heart and digestion. ☕ . . #coffee #caffeine #bookstagram #books #coffeetime #coffeetimeisallthetime #OthmerLibrary . . #Repost @ashleyaugustyniak (@get_repost) ・・・ Coffee book from 1881. #othmerlibrary - #regrann
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