miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

My Recipe: Cocoa and Nutella Bread

My Recipe: Cocoa and Nutella Bread

50g vegetable shortening
150g brown sugar
2 eggs
10 g of yeast in dough
30 g of cocoa powder
20 g of milk powder
3 tablespoons Nutella
1 teaspoon vanilla
275 g of wheat flour

    Mix all ingredients in a bowl until a smooth dough is allowed to stand 30 minutes covered with a tea towel while time passes Grease a pan and heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius weighed portions at 50 grams and given the preferred form, placing them in the tray with topping to taste.
    They bake 15 to 20 minutes, depending on oven and then let cool retreat, remembers eating with family and friends.

2 comentarios:

  1. Por qué razón se usa vegetable shortening y no mantequilla en la receta?

  2. hola, la única razón es por costos, la mantequilla funciona de maravilla con esta receta, gracias por preguntar
